Why a Wellness Club?
Benefits of Wellness Club Membership
1. Take part in the 12-Week Results Challenge and win cash prizes, in addition to improving your health!
2. Receive a weekly comprehensive Body Composition Analysis(body fat%, visceral fat, hydration levels, metabolic age, physique rating, muscle mass etc) to keep you on track using our professional Tanita Innerscan equipment. Great way to review your progress and more reliable than measuring soley your weight which is affected by lean muscle gain.
3. Every week of the course will include simple clear information on all the topics you need to understand to lose weight and keep the weight off! Topics include hydration, calories, fat, protein, metabolism etc and by the end of the course you will not only have achieved your weight loss goal but also be able to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
4. Your Arriba! Wellness Club Coach will help you identify clear, achievable personal goals and work with you to ensure you achieve your goals.
5. You will receive a simple, easy to follow personalised nutrition plan that is exactly right for your body and will enable you to achieve your goals.
6. Receive regular detailed advice, positive support and essential information to help you reach your goals
7. Meet people in a warm friendly environment
8. Unlike other clubs Membership at the Wellness Club is just £39 for the 12 week period